Brinjal Flower Morphology
It is characterized by a bush indeterminate erect plant attaining a height of 05- 15 m. It forms a many branched plant with leaves and stems that have star-shaped stellate hair and stems.
Floral diagrams are credited to A.

Brinjal flower morphology. The flower with the stalk is called pedicellate or stalked flower Flower without stalk- non pedicellate or sessile 9. In this case the ovary is said to be superior eg. Inflorescence with mostly 36 flowers corolla 2030 mm wide light purple to white and berry 115 cm long yellow vs.
In the 19th century two contrasting methods of describing the flower were introduced. Furthermore the flower type in an individual plant varies between accessions. Of brinjal flowers.
Parts of flower The terminal end is swollen and represents floral axis called Thalamus From each node of thalamus a whorl of leaves is produced Flower has 4 circles of modified leaves called flora whorls Calyx Corolla Androecium Gynoecium. 36 Keel is the characteristic feature of flower of. Flowers have 4 sepals 4 petals 6 stamens Tetradynamous.
Tendrils help plants to climb as seen in passion flower and Vitis. Calyx has five sepals. Brinjal is an annual herbaceous plant.
Eggplant a warm-season vegetable belongs to the nightshade family. Melongena with the inflorescence with 1-3 flowers corolla 3050 mm wide purple to light purple and berry 530 cm long black purple pink brown yellow or white. The textual floral formulae and pictorial floral diagrams.
Mustard China rose brinjal etc. Brinjal Solanum melongena L is an important solanaceous vegetable in many countries of Asia and AfricaIt is a good source of minerals and vitamins in the tropical diets. Flower is bisexual and zygomorphic.
A Pea b Lemon c Brinjal d Cucumber. Axilary and Terminal buds are modified into thorns in lemon pomegranate and karonda. Stamens are male organs and produce pollen grains.
Flower morphology of wild and cultivated brinjal. The axis of the stem gets condensed while the internodes lie near each other. The leaves are large and alternate on the stem and are more or less oval in.
Petals usually brightly coloured to attract insects for pollination. Wild and cultivated brinjal have gamopetalous flowers fused petals produced singly or in small clusters of 24 flowers at the apex of stems Figs. Flowers borne in raceme on the main stem and its axillary branches.
Flowers are actinomorphic hypogynous hermaphrodite with pistil surrounded by the stamens. When the ovary occupies the highest position and other floral parts are below it the flower is called hypogynous. Sepals green in colour leaf like whorl.
Inflorescence is often solitary but sometimes it constitutes a cluster of 2-5 flowers. Flower is complete actinomorphic and hermaphrodite. The brinjal is a much branched perennial usually grown as an annual under cultivation.
Plant Morphology Types of Flower Based on Position of Ovary Hypogynous Flower. Therefore the flower can be said to be a flower. White or pinkish in colourdepending on the cultivars.
Gynoecium has ovary superior mono carpellary is unilocular with many ovules. Solitary or clustering nature of inflorescence is a varietal character. And some plants develop spines.
Prickles develop superficially at the surface of the stem and are distributed irregularly as in rose and plum. 35 Which of these is an example for a zygomorphic flower with diadelphous stamens and marginal placentation. Heterostyly in brinjal determines and facilitates self or cross-pollination and subsequent fruit set.
Mainly found in legumes seeds. A Aloe b Tomato c Tulip d Indigofera. Consider the following statements regarding aerial modifications of stem.
More often eggplant produces flowers both singly and in inflorescences 803 in the same plant while the. Results of this study showed that eggplant produces flowers singly or in inflorescences as has been described earlier by Hepper 1987 and Som and Maity 1986. Ovary is superior and bi-carpelled with a false septum.
Eichler his extensive work Blüthendiagramme 1875 1878 remains a valuable source of information on floral morphology. Instead of leaves various floral appendages arise from the node. It has racemose inflorescence.
Eichler inspired later generation of scientists including John Henry Schaffner. Inflorescence is 1-2m long while pedicel attains 15-20cm length. Both flattened and erect sepals are found.
Corolla has five petals. Long and peristyly conditions set fruits. Morphology Of Flowering Plants Important Questions Answer Key.
Assessment of genetic resources is the starting point of any crop improvement programme. Androceium is ten diadelphous anther dithecous. Calyx is five lobed gamosepalous and persistent.
The flowers are flat and usually five-lobed although some male flowers are four-lobed and varied from a deep violet to pale purple in both taxa. The apex produces different kinds of floral appendages laterally at successive nodes of the leaves. Petals are generally bright yellow in colour.
Stamens may be epipetalous attach to petals Ex Brinjal Datura or epiphyllous attach to perianth tepals are united. In other words style lengths longer than the. Quite obviously ovary diameter and weight were much higher in the long styled flowers than the rest.
The given floral diagram is of family Fabaceae.
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